
Show me the money

Ready to get your film funded?

Get The Short Film Funding Checklist ⟶

Need a producer?

Let me give you 15 ways to find producers

⟵ Get the complete list and start finding producers today (without saying "I'm looking for a producer")

"Are you trying to psych me out?”

you say, staring at your Celtx homepage

So you're already making your own films

But you're overwhelmed with all the work you have to do (not even including your full-time job)

You're fielding questions from family members about how much this next project is going to cost you

And to top it all off?

You just got a rejection from another film fund

Looking through your notebook margins full of half-finished ideas, you wonder...

"Is this what it's going to be like for every single project...?!"

Talk about I'm a filmmaker, get me out of here!

You, your scripts & your ambition are ready to take it to the next level

But you're still...

  • • Maxxing out your credit card to pay your crew
  • • Asking your friends to work as a favour (again)
  • • Spending the money from your full-time job on festival submission fees

And even when you manage to make more than one of your own films a year,
you’re still wondering how long it’ll take to pay off the credit card debt

…or better yet, how to get producers picking up your projects and paying you to make them

You’d love to be sipping champagne at Cannes and collecting business cards from major producers, but right now you’re up at midnight writing a new draft and sending out pitch emails at 8am, only to have them rejected the next day

*le sigh*

But no more

If you can master making short films single-handed and doing 13 hour shoots

You can (and deserve to) crack the code
to becoming a successful full-time filmmaker

How would it feel finally getting to be a filmmaker first?

Imagine what it would feel like going from your passion projects ending up on the bottom of your to do list
to having viewers send emails that start with “your film changed my life”

Imagine if you could get meetings with producers in just one email

Imagine if you no longer had to squeeze your shoot into your 14 days holiday from your full-time job

You’ll walk into your next festival screening with more confidence than you’ve had in years

This kind of guidance does not exist in our industry,
I finally have a real framework over what to do next as a filmmaker with my projects


You had me at hello

Hey, I'm Charlotte. Film Producer & Career Coach

Bringing the Hermione Granger strategy & systems to your Luna Lovegood imagination

Clients have called me the Film Career Fairy Godmother and I’m here to help you uncover your roadmap to becoming a full-time filmmaker

Continue this meet-cute and get the full introduction here:


(You’ll also discover how I went from being a newbie in the film industry to getting 2 producer credits in less than 3 months)


♕ Unlock the secrets of creating a successful full-time film career
♕ Become a more confident filmmaker so you can stand out to producers (in the best way)
♕ Demystify what you need to do on the daily so you can create projects with confidence & ease

I've already mentioned Charlotte to other filmmakers and will continue to do so because everything was *chef's kiss*



Want to spend your time getting paid to write, showing up to your set and sipping Starbucks in the edit?
Wish you were on set shouting ‘action’ instead of staring at another half-filled-in funding application?

Besides helping indie filmmakers get on producers’ radars and craft cold pitches that turn into Netflix originals, I’ll help you get your ideas out of your notebook and onto the big screen so you can focus on using your voice as a filmmaker

Get my spot-on (writer/director-focussed) project and career tools, combined with the optimism of Elle Woods and the solution-finding abilities of Hermione Granger

Whip-smart, distilled-down practices with a hearty dose of industry-knowledge and Avengers-level dedication. I’ve even been called “nothing short of wonderful to work with” by a client

Ready to get started? Consider me charmed, I’m sure!

Click below to find out about my signature program